Business Owner’s “What If’s” Before Hiring A Digital Marketing Agency


Digital marketing has some huge advantages (considering that it’s done right). With the right strategy, digital marketing can shoot your business to new heights. However, as business owners, there is an insatiable urge to always be sure of your decisions when it comes to growing your business. One of the grueling decisions to make is whether you should hire an agency or not. This is why we are addressing your top “what ifs” before hiring a digital marketing agency. 

As you read through this article, allow us to soothe these mind-boggling what-ifs and answer them to the best we can. And hopefully, when you reach the bottom of this article, it would bring you enlightenment on whether your business needs digital marketing assistance or not.

Digital marketing agencies will enable you to…

  • Receive monthly reports on your social media’s progress.
  • This will let you be more informed on the latest trends that can be implemented in your business while you focus on the technical side of things.
  • We will also monitor your social media’s development in terms of followers and page likes.
  • Don’t know which social platform to use? We can recommend the best ones and set them up for you as well.
  • Have strategic posting in terms of your brand’s awareness. (with brand awareness comes conversion in the long run)

Hiring a digital marketing agency will be very advantageous for your business especially if you’re very nitty-gritty with the numbers. Also, having someone manage the social pages, will help you focus on the corporate side of things. So, as a final word, if your main “what if” is not getting results, rest assured that digital marketing agencies are driven by results and the satisfaction of their clients.

In summation, digital marketing agencies will…

  • Allot time and research to know and understand your brand.
  • Will provide fresh strategies to apply to your brand.
  • Timely and on-trend social media posting.
  • Relevant content.
  • Will apply competitor analysis (for your business’s gain)
  • We will also continuously do thorough research on new trends we can apply to your business.

And voila! That’s not all we can do, but, one thing’s for sure, you shouldn’t be worried if the digital marketing agency won’t understand your business because it is a standard process for us to know your business’s strengths, know its weaknesses, spot its opportunities and to be ahead of the threats. 

You will receive…

  • Constant communication.
  • A flurry of wild and trendy ideas to grace your day.
  • Reporting.
  • Emails.
  • Approval.
  • Pitching of ideas
  • Weekly meetings

And so much more! Communication plays a vital role in making your brand known to your target audience and marketers know this.

What if #1: They won’t understand my business.

Digital marketing agencies are trained to handle different kinds of clients with different businesses. Remember, your business (harsh as it may sound) is not unique. If your business specializes in (for example) food, well, surprise surprise, there are also a number of other food businesses out there similar to what you have to offer. Given that fact, the question you have to ask yourself is how will your business stand out? 

Agencies make it their business to understand yours. They have studied and understood multiple business industries as well as their target market, the right social media strategies, and essentially the right approach and tone on how you’ll present your business online. 

Digital marketing agencies know what’s going to work, how it’s going to work, and the material you’ll need to get on top of your game. They understand that in the digital marketing world, competition is tough, and creative ideas matter. So, if your “what if” is digital marketing agencies not understanding your business, keep your mind at ease knowing that you will be working with experienced individuals with fresh ideas who will dedicate time and attention to your brand

What if #2: They won’t be able to deliver results

Don’t expect huge returns of investment a day or two after signing the contract, that’s for sure. Keep in mind that you are working with creative people, not magicians! As the saying goes, “patience is a virtue” and it also applies to digital marketing. Nevertheless, it’s absolutely normal for clients to have high expectations in terms of quality output and data since that is the goal after all. 

But aside from that, you also have to understand that solidifying your presence in a digital platform can take a while. This will be a slow burn to your target audience (especially if you’re a start-up business). 

So if your “what if” is your digital marketing agency not being able to reap outstanding results, then let us clear that by saying that agencies are driven by numbers and results. As a digital marketing agency, our shared goal is for your business to strive online, and giving you top results is one of our main priorities. 

What if #3: They won’t dedicate enough time to my business

This is a very understandable concern for business owners. Considering that most digital marketing agencies have multiple clients under their wing, you would want to make sure that they have the capacity to cater to your business needs.

To set you at ease, usually, digital marketing agencies have a cap on the number of clients they can cater to in a given timeframe. With this said, we’re pretty sure you’re safe in this department since they’ll probably let you know firsthand if their load is full. 

Moreover, digital marketing teams make it a point to set healthy and blooming relationships with their clients. A key factor in this is constant communication with you in regard to future plans for your business. Not enough time you say? Expect marketers to shower you with ideas as questions as you go. After all, they will be needing your approval in most of the posting, design, and content. That alone takes a lot of time and dedication for the team. So we hope this eases your “what if” in regards to digital marketing agencies not having enough time for your business! Because once you sign the documents and you’re onboarded, that commitment comes to both ways. 

Make WeDigital your trusted digital marketing agency! 

We have all the tools and strategies for your business to reach new heights. WeDigital is a modern digital marketing agency that can cater to your website, social media, hosting, and SEO needs. No “what ifs” are guaranteed with us that’s for sure!


Search engine optimization

Google is a competitive world, and it's fairly difficult to rank first on search bars without having your websites SEO optimized. Our SEO service can make your website more searchable by making sure it complies with the SEO standards!

From competitive keywords, blog articles, being mobile responsive, and a lot more white hat SEO hacks, your website's sure to take the #1 spot in no time!

Hosting Services

What is the use of a website if it is not properly seen and browsed by consumers and possible target market online? A good hosting service is the backbone of every website and unstable hosting can cause your site unwanted downtimes from time to time.

We provide hosting services that are reliable and secure, making sure that your website is working smoothly around the clock.

E-commerce Website

E-commerce websites often experience downsides when it comes to navigation, checkout pages, and the layout of products. Our service aims for a seamless user experience by building a secure and trustworthy website that visitors will enjoy browsing through.

Templated Website

Conceptualizing and exploring different website layouts can become time-consuming especially if it’s one that you need right away. Our variety of templated websites is simple, modern, aesthetically pleasing, and can give you all the necessary functions that a website needs.

Custom WordPress

Many businesses still choose to use pre-made templates with the notion that it is easier and faster to make. This is indeed true. However, this will also sacrifice the originality and potential of your website.

Our custom WordPress service can provide you with a sturdy, well-functioning website complete with the necessary pages and functions that a website requires. It is also equipped with an original design that can suit your business’ character and identity.

Branding and Graphic Design

Most branding and graphic designs fail to mirror the purpose and character of the brand. The perfect branding and graphic design is a symbol that shows your customers what makes you, you. And for most brands, it takes multiple design concepts to choose the one perfect branding design.

Our branding services and graphic design services align to the taste of not just a certain audience, but the whole of it. We cater to the real deal, from branding case studies to the very definition of each element. We’ll make certain that every detail is carefully aligned to the business’s identity.

Google Ads Management

Owning websites is great for credibility purposes. But the important question stands, is your site showing up on Google search? Truth be told, the competition to be first on Google search is a cut-throat ordeal.

Nevertheless, our Google Ads Management services can lead you to the top of the search bars with ease. One of its winning highlights is its ability for you to specify your target audience through age, location, devices, and keywords.

Facebook Ads management

Consistent posting on social media and hopping on the trend train might not be enough to gain you the exposure you desire. Facebook Ads Management allows you to be twice as visible to your target audience at a cost.

Our Facebook Ads Management services will allow your business to show up on the feed of your niche markets, certain locations of your preferred target audience, and apply your desired search terms.

Social Media Marketing

Social media plays a robust role in targeting potential consumers for businesses. But despite its evident influence on people, most businesses still struggle to keep up with trendy social media tactics while balancing corporate duties.

Our social media marketing services can provide efficient social media marketing strategies to make your presence profound on the digital platform. It will consist of thorough competitor analysis, data-driven results, research, and monthly reporting.