Top 5 Expert Tips to Make an Outstanding Website

For businesses, appearance and presentation are some of the most vital things that can help you attract your target audience. As the saying goes, “you can never have a second chance on making a first impression”, so better yet, make one that’s bound to be impactful. A way to do it? Is building a beautiful website! Now, that’s an impression that’s surely made to last. Making an outstanding website might sound intimidating for newbies, but not to worry, we’ll guide you through it!

Let’s cut to the chase. With creating websites, less is more. Here, you’ll get to read five simple yet effective tips to achieve the ideal website for your company that people will surely love.

Choosing harmonious color schemes

To make an outstanding website, use the colors of your brand and be consistent with your chosen shades. Don’t use colors that are not incorporated with your branding. Cluttered colors will send the wrong message to your visitors. Meanwhile, being consistent with color schemes will make your website look more confident. 


Take FoodPanda as an example. Their main color is pink. So when we see pink, whether it’s on the streets, or just by scrolling, there is an instant recall of their brand. Their color has been laid out smoothly not only on their website but on their media sites as well. Remember, consistency and commitment to a color will prove to give you dynamic results in the long run.


It’s also a good idea to use at least three to four main colors for your website. One for the principal color of your website, while one (or two) colors will act as accents, and the last will be the font color. Take the Amigo website as an example. They’ve incorporated yellow, orange, green, and black on their website. As you can see, all four colors are in harmony with each other, and this produced a very attractive website graphic.

To further instill brand stability, your chosen colors shouldn’t just stop with the website, but they should also be incorporated with future posts as well. 

Choosing the right font 

One of the major criteria for determining a good website is a good font and text size. It doesn’t matter whether you have creative or engaging content if your website visitors can’t even read them! Too many competing fonts will result in a negative customer experience. Most likely, they would have a hard time comprehending messages from your website which will result in navigation difficulties or misinterpretation.

the new york times

All websites aim for a seamless user experience. One of the factors that contribute to this is having a website that’s light on the eyes. If you think about it, a huge part of your website will go to text content. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose fonts that mix well together. 

A good example of this is The New York Times website. Notice how they keep the headings in Bold and the excerpts in normal font. They keep things black and white which is also very in line with their brand’s image.

Engaging written content

To engage is to halt people in their steps and make them stop, look, and read your content. How do we do that? Simple, you just have to think of something that relates to your target audience. They won’t stop, if it doesn’t concern them, or if it’s not something they need or want. That’s just the first part.

The second thing you have to do is to hold their attention. How? By telling a good story. Content must be well-thought-of and not just simply putting words together. Telling a story answers the when, where, what, and how through creative writing. 

To get things cracking, start by thinking of an attention-grabbing title. If a reader finds your title appealing, it’s a domino effect from there. See this excerpt from Cosmopolitan which features entertaining articles.


Visual content that speaks volumes

Visual content draws people in. Imagine a website full of text without any visuals, now that’s a sight you’ll get tired of by just looking. Having graphics can break the fatigue caused by heavy text and maintain balance.

Keeping fun visuals can also enhance the looks of your website. See this excerpt from the website of Summit Media. Even if the page is filled with text, it doesn’t seem text-heavy because the visuals balance everything out.

summit media

However, don’t stop with photos alone. It’s also good to add infographics, videos, and creative icons. But keep in mind that these visuals must also represent your business or the industry you’re in. Just imagine having a health-related website and then seeing construction-related media content while scrolling. It kind of prompts a questioning look doesn’t it?  

To sum it up, the key purpose of website visuals is to make your website more attractive. Your page is your canvas. Get creative! 

Make your website mobile-friendly

According to AddThis, 70% of website traffic comes from mobile devices. People can’t always carry around their personal computers or laptops when they go about their day. The second most convenient thing for them to turn on is their phones. 

Data and free wifi are always accessible with a simple swipe of our fingers. That’s why there is a huge chance for people to view your website on their phones. This is why it is a must for businesses to make their websites mobile-friendly. We can’t have people looking at your business website with jumbled texts and misplaced photos don’t we?

Final Notes…

Hey, you made it to the bottom! Are you ready to make an outstanding website? To sum it up, it all boils down to being able to fully understand your business, and let your purpose transcend through a website. 

We know it may sound a lot, but remember that people love seeing originality, rawness, and something unique. And being able to find the right font, color, content, or graphic, for your website to represent, will prove to reap rewards in the future. Good luck!

If you’re looking for more useful content, visit our website to know more about digital marketing tips and trends!

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