Let’s face it – not everyone is a writer. Some people find it easy to write articles right away, but some are completely clueless at times. Figuring out what your topic will be is one endeavor, starting your article is another. Sometimes, when you need it, your creativity simply isn’t just there. But there will be times when you’d be on a roll. Ideas pop out here and there and writing becomes easier for you. Even the greatest writers will agree that there will be days when you will have a creative block. Here are some tips on how to write articles faster even when you’re already on a roll.
Tip 1: List your ideas.
You don’t when an idea will spring out of your mind right? It’s important to take note of them while you still have them! You can write them down in a notebook, or input them on your phone. You can also record your voice while talking about that idea! This works for presentation ideas, especially in the delivery of wordplay. Keep a content bank – you’ll thank yourself later for this. This helps you jump-start your article writing.
Tip 2: Work on your ideas.
Don’t be too hard on yourself! Ideas need time to grow. You need to research more to solidify the foundation of your ideas. Also, give yourself time to think more about it while weighing the pros and cons. Ideas may come at an unexpected time but it takes enormous effort to work on them at times. Don’t worry! Believe in your idea and it will be a bomb for sure!
Tip 3: Cut unnecessary details.
Sometimes, your ideas can be all over the place. We get too excited to work on it that we tend to include details that won’t help with your idea development. Narrow down the details and focus on the main idea. Keeping your thoughts organized will help you navigate through that article faster.
Tip 4: Use bullet points.
This is an effective way to keep your article within your word count (if there are any). Using bullet points will allow you to organize your thoughts and veer away from details that don’t help your idea. Remember to include important details to give your audience a reason to read it. Remember to write articles with a purpose in mind.
Tip 5: Keep it within a considerable length.
Short articles can be faster to read but they may lack information. In comparison, longer articles can be dragging and boring. Keep your articles within the 700 to 1000 words word count. That’ll give you enough space to elaborate your ideas without being too repetitive and dragging. The reader knows when you are just after making your article long or if you are trying to prove your idea and make sense of it.
Tip 6: Stay distraction-free.
It’s easier to move without clutter right? Focus on writing your article. Dedicating your time to a task will help you think only about it. You’ll go far if you commit a specific time for it. Put your phone away and other distractions. Only use what’s necessary for your writing. If writing includes your laptop, only use it for research purposes and article writing of course!
Tip 7: Write in pre-defined time intervals.
Follow a certain schedule! Did you know that our bodies work that way too? For example, you can write every 9 am and finish by 10 am. Making a schedule helps your body clock remember what you should be doing. This also helps you manage your time properly and accomplish more tasks.
Tip 8: Don’t overthink it.
When you’re mind is already far from distractions, start writing right away! Just go with the flow of your creative juices (while they’re still active!). Do not second guess your idea. Second guessing just lets your mind wander around – you might get lost in the endless maze of ideas! Just expound one idea at a time!
Tip 9: Come back later.
Don’t force yourself to write the article and come out with words! If you don’t feel like writing, then don’t! Start doing other stuff first and when inspiration is there again, continue. Listen to yourself. You’re not in the roll for a reason – don’t beat up yourself for it. Our brain also needs time to shift focus.
Tip 10: Never save a good idea.
Sometimes, we tend to save up the things we think are “good” and end up regretting why we saved them in the first place. Be practical. Save your time by writing about what comes easier for you – be it your favorite subject in College or your hobby, right about it now! Don’t save it for later.
These are simple steps you can do to navigate your ideas faster and write articles in no time! But if you simply just find it so hard to produce your own content for your business venture, we’re here to help! Our digital marketing agency will be delighted to accommodate your inquiries! Feel free to visit us at wedigitalph.com and have a step ahead of your competitors! Turn your me, into me!